Since 2015, Noah has committed to release an annual Noah Holdings Sustainability Report to investors worldwide. This annual sustainability report is designed to keep interested stakeholders informed regarding Noah's commitment in fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities, and the efforts Noah makes to create sustainable economic, environmental and social value. Meanwhile, Noah wishes to encourage other companies to engage in dialogue with the public, and join us in creating a better environment.
This Report has been compiled in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (hereinafter referred to as “GRI”) and AA1000 (2008) standards and is consistent with the Core scheme of the GRI Standards.
This Report covers the year 2022 (from January 1 to December 31) and discloses Noah's management philosophy on corporate governance, society, and the environment, as well as our performance and achievements related to those material topics. This Report covers the information and data related to Noah's headquarter and offices in Hong Kong. Nonetheless, we will gradually expand the reporting scope to fully cover our subsidiaries and affiliated entities. To fully demonstrate Noah’s achievements in corporate social responsibility brought by our projects and the trend of development, we have laid out our specific actions and progress in detail, dating back to 2021 and up till 2023.
Since 2015, Noah has committed to release an annual Noah Holdings Sustainability Report to investors worldwide. This annual sustainability report is designed to keep interested stakeholders informed regarding Noah's commitment in fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities, and the efforts Noah makes to create sustainable economic, environmental and social value. Meanwhile, Noah wishes to encourage other companies to engage in dialogue with the public, and join us in creating a better environment.
This Report has been compiled in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (hereinafter referred to as “GRI”) and AA1000 (2008) standards and is consistent with the Core scheme of the GRI Standards.
This Report covers the year 2022 (from January 1 to December 31) and discloses Noah's management philosophy on corporate governance, society, and the environment, as well as our performance and achievements related to those material topics. This Report covers the information and data related to Noah's headquarter and offices in Hong Kong. Nonetheless, we will gradually expand the reporting scope to fully cover our subsidiaries and affiliated entities. To fully demonstrate Noah’s achievements in corporate social responsibility brought by our projects and the trend of development, we have laid out our specific actions and progress in detail, dating back to 2021 and up till 2023.
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